
For Mama and Baby

Meditation for Intuition


Meditation for INtuition

(19 minute meditation)


As you’re navigating your pregnancy, life, transition to Motherhood and bring this challenging year to a close and turn the corner into a lighter year (out of Capricorn into Aquarius) I wanted to offer a Meditation for Intuition.

Meditating to expand your intuition in your pregnancy helps throughout your pregnancy in knowing how to move, what to eat, feeling into what your baby needs, and into Motherhood. But, I also wanted to provide this as a tool to use and practice to center yourself into your inner guidance and knowing. Expanding your intuition will not only help you in your pregnancy and birth but, will also, help lighten the challenging emotions associated with this year.

Trusting and developing a stronger relationship with your intuition takes practice. So, follow this guided 19minute meditation and let’s get started.



  • Mantra - Ang Sung Wahe (wha - hay) Guru. A mantra to...
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3 minute Meditation to "Connect With Baby"


Whisper sweet nothings ... Carry a tune ... Sing a lullaby ...

Connecting with your Baby begins now. Taking time to share energy, to share heart felt compassion, to share ideas, words and feelings. Connecting and spending this quality time together .. just the two or three or more of you together. 

This meditation focuses on connecting with your baby. Its one you can do alone with your baby or with your partner. It brings your family together and sets a bond. It opens your heart chakra; the center of compassion.

And, it only takes a minimum of 3 minutes. You can practice this meditation between 3 - 11 minutes. Watch the video and you'll be guided step-by-step through the meditation.

You're creating a beautiful bond which will strengthen your connection at birth and beyond. See what you feel. See how that changes day by day with practice of this meditation. Follow your intuition, there will be different ways you'll feel like connecting through this meditation...

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About Kundalini Yoga

“If you positively move the vibration, the world is yours. There’s nothing standing between you and You.”

— YOGI BHAJAN, 07/14/87



A yoga of awareness connecting you to your higher intuitive self; your great guidance system in life.  Kundalini Yoga tunes, balances and elevates your vibration allowing your life to run more smoothly and with greater ease.  Meaning you live more in your dharma than karma. It’s a yogic technology that balances and strengthens the energy flow in your body.  Kundalini Yoga is a science and primarily works with your nervous and glandular systems to improve how your body, mind and spirit function and flow better together.

If you’re looking for a yoga practice that helps you feel …

  • like life has more balance,

  • like you’ve worked out some of your crud,

  • that better equips you to handle stress and life’s ups and downs,

  • that enables you to feel more...

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5 Minute Meditation for Peaceful Sleep


The Peaceful Swan Meditation

Relax into sleep .. this Peaceful Swan meditation helps you to fall asleep and have a good night’s sleep. Practiced anywhere between 5-11 minutes just before bed to relax and enjoy your sweet dreams.

Meditation Elements:

Posture: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine OR in a chair with your feet firmly touching the ground

Hand Posture (Mudra): Make fists with your hands. Place your fists facing forward about 6-8” away from your head in front of your brow point. Extend and press the thumb tips together until they become white. It doesn’t have to be hard. It’s also important to let the last joint of the thumb relax and bend as much as possible.

Eyes: Gaze toward your white thumb tips for a few seconds to get a clear mental image of that portion of your hand. Then close the eyes and clearly see the thumb tips through the eyelids mentally.

Breath: Long, deep breaths.

Mantra: On the inhale, think...

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11 Minute Meditation to Become Dis-Ease Free


Breath of Ten Meditation

In 11 minutes you'll change your biorhythm, change your magnetic field, and your Immune System will wake up. This meditation supports a healthy disease-free body, meditative mind and for an amazing life and intuition.

But remember, there aren’t any quick fixes. While practicing helps in the present moment and in the day; for the greatest benefit practice regularly .. whatever that looks like for you!

Now, let’s dive in! I’ll guide you and practice this meditation along with you .. virtually, of course. We can all sure use a boost to our Immune Health!

Meditation Elements:

Posture: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine OR in a chair with your feet firmly touching the ground

Hand Posture (Mudra): Your elbows are bent and your forearms and hands are relaxed in a clapping position at the level of the solar plexus. Your hands move in and out as if you’re clapping but they don’t touch & you’ll...

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Full Moon Meditation to Experience the Expanded Self


Enjoy a sweet, simple meditation to relate to the Full Moon and her vast feminine energy. A full moon is a goddess symbol and represents the energy of the Mother. The moon itself is a symbol of the spiritual aspects of femininity, such as intuition, creativity and wisdom …

Connecting with this Mothering energy while pregnant illuminates your innate feminine powers and Mothering abilities and energy.

In its monthly cycle the full moon is typically the time during the month related to releasing anything in your life that’s no longer serving you for your highest good. The brightness of a full moon illuminates things in your life that need attention brought to them… such as; a behavior, a thought pattern, or a belief, a story or reoccurring theme.

This specific meditation I chose to share with you because it’s a good one to do on a full moon … or the 3 days before or following.

Get comfortable and enjoy this guided journey into experiencing your expanded...

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Pregnancy Self Care With Bathing Blessings

AHHHH! The thoughts of time and space for just you and your baby.  Imagine a nice warm bath, music that makes your heart sing, a cup of soothing tea and a candle … how decadent and how relaxing! Just you, your thoughts, and your baby. A ritual, a meditation, a blessing.

It’s important to take time out for you with pregnancy self-care. A bath, this quiet space, is time to connect with your mind, body and baby. Finding some quiet your spirit feels the connection of your two souls; the energy flow between you and your baby. Water vibrates energy and sound …

Give yourself time and space to relax, to dream your motherhood journey dreams, to talk with your baby, to listen to your inner guidance, to listen to your baby’s whispers.

Read further to find detail about a bathing ritual, a couple bath recipes and their benefits, and the good to know about how to make the best experience of your bathing ritual.



Gather all the ingredients and...

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An 11 Minute Meditation to Bring Courage to Change


In this Kundalini Yoga meditation you’ll experience the illumination of courage from the heart and raise the vibration of any situation, anxiety, fear or transition… to move through and beyond it. This meditation uses a mantra for the heart center that is for Fear of Change .. the Chattra Chakkra Vartee Mantra.

It’s a powerful meditation to support you throughout your pregnancy … there are SO many changes happening mentally, physically, and spiritually fears and anxieties are bound to arise. If practiced this can help and support you through whatever you set your intention behind. So good.

Click the video above to begin and we can do this together. Let me know what you think or how you feel after you finish. You can leave a comment below. 

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Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Effected by Climate Change ... Black Women See Higher Effects


Clear Pregnancy and Generational Health Warning Resulting From Our Climate Crisis.

All pregnant women need to know about this analysis. We’re all aware of Climate Change and have been feeling and living its environmental and weather related effects for years. Science shows the last 8 out of 10 years have been the hottest on record and rapid Arctic Ice melt is changing our ocean currents which have broad sweeping fallout on how we live.

A new recently published analysis shows some of the silent effects of Climate Change. JAMA’s scientific analysis and findings on adverse pregnancy outcomes related to climate change are out!

“When you talk about climate, people think about severe weather, big storms or huge fires … but we wanted to talk about the impacts that are common and widespread and ongoing and also are rarely attributed to the climate crisis,” said Bruce Bekkar, a co-author of the study and a retired obstetrician.

An analysis...

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The Science Behind Meditation and Prenatal Wellness


I love seeing science behind the benefits of meditation during pregnancy. Not only does it feel good once you get into the routine of it but I love reading the scientific proof behind these feels! It makes sense too when you think about it given that, in general, meditation brings on calming feelings and slows your busy mind down long enough to actually have a creative thought. It’s a moment to slow down .. to give to yourself with health benefits for you and baby!

What I love about this scientific study’s results is that it found a significant decrease in perceived stress scores, a significant decrease of blood pressure response to cold pressor test and a significant increase in heart rate variability in the test group (p< 0.05, significant)! This indicates that mindfulness meditation is a powerful regulator of the sympathetic nervous system. This means that the fight or flight response of the body is better regulated with meditation and can reduce...

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