Full Moon Meditation to Experience the Expanded Self


Enjoy a sweet, simple meditation to relate to the Full Moon and her vast feminine energy. A full moon is a goddess symbol and represents the energy of the Mother. The moon itself is a symbol of the spiritual aspects of femininity, such as intuition, creativity and wisdom …

Connecting with this Mothering energy while pregnant illuminates your innate feminine powers and Mothering abilities and energy.

In its monthly cycle the full moon is typically the time during the month related to releasing anything in your life that’s no longer serving you for your highest good. The brightness of a full moon illuminates things in your life that need attention brought to them… such as; a behavior, a thought pattern, or a belief, a story or reoccurring theme.

This specific meditation I chose to share with you because it’s a good one to do on a full moon … or the 3 days before or following.

Get comfortable and enjoy this guided journey into experiencing your expanded self and connecting with the incredible Feminine or Mama Moon energy. The meditation itself is a quick 5 minutes. During the meditation concentrate and follow along because when you do the glands overwork and over secrete. And, with this stimulation of the endocrine system, it’s beneficial to do on the day of the full moon .. as, it will enhance your inner radiance! More pregnancy GLOW!

Meditation Source: yoga manual ‘Kriya’


This particular full moon brings light to negotiating boundaries. This Aquarian moon illuminates our unique gifts and originality. Our energies and emotions may be running high over the next few days under this moon’s full-bodies glow, and we can enjoy this lunar phase as a bright spot in this month’s potent cosmic weather.

The afternoon brings themes of imitation and negotiation of boundaries, into our healing conversations. We may need to hold our most vulnerable expressions in balance.

Full Moon significance by www.astrology.com


Return On The Next Full Moon …



Mar. 18 - Virgo Moon

April 16 - Libra Moon

May 16 - Scorpio Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse

June 14 - Sagittarius Moon

July 13 - Capricorn Moon

Aug. 11 - Aquarius Moon

Sept. 10 - Pisces Moon

Oct. 9 - Aries Moon

Nov. 8 - Taurus Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse

Dec. 7 - Gemini Moon


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